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Hybrid Hybrid Event

Practice Period Closing, Shuso Hossenshiki, and Buddha’s Birthday Ceremonies

April 5 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm PDT

Hybrid Hybrid Event
Blue card with the text "ceremonies"

Please join us at the Community Congregational Church in Tiburon or online via Zoom for these special ceremonies.

The 2025 Bay Area Practice Period culminates in the Shuso Hossenshiki (Dharma Inquiry ceremony) as the Shuso and sangha together bring forth the dharma in a lively exchange. This will be followed by the Practice Period closing and a celebration of Buddha’s birthday.

Dharma Inquiry and Practice Period Closing

During the Dharma Inquiry ceremony, Shuso Laura Trippi, On Shō Chiku Dō (Gifted Voice, Bamboo Path), will respond to questions posed in turn by members of the Practice Period. With this, she and the sangha together will express their understanding of the dharma.

Following this ceremony, Norman will formally close the circle of Practice Period.

Celebration of Buddha’s Birthday

We’ll conclude the afternoon by celebrating Buddha’s birthday, bathing a figure of baby Buddha with sweet tea under a beautiful canopy of flowers. All are invited to participate in this joyful practice.

To end the day’s gathering, we’ll have a reception with a light dessert.


Asking a question of the Shuso during the Dharma Inquiry ceremony is reserved for practice period participants. Others are invited to attend and observe, and to join us in chanting and bowing. Practice Period participants will receive an invitation with instructions on forming a question a few days before the ceremony.

Chants: The Dharma Inquiry ceremony begins with the assembly slowly chanting the Heart Sutra, linked below.

Covid Protocols: In-person attendees are expected to review and follow our current Covid protocol.

Register to Attend In Person

Zoom Link to Attend Online

You do not need to register to attend online. Please enter the Zoom meeting before the ceremony begins, with enough time to settle into your seat and your audio on mute.

Link: Join on Zoom
Meeting ID: 818 1405 8944
Passcode: Zazen (note the upper case “Z”)

Attending at the Community Congregational Church in Tiburon

Attending in Person

Please register to attend in person (see above) and arrive early with time to settle in. Chairs are provided. If you prefer to sit on a zafu, please bring your own.

Attending on Zoom

Attending Online

You do not need to register to attend online. Please enter the Zoom meeting with time to settle into your seat before the ceremony begins, with your audio on mute. Please remain muted unless you have been invited to speak. Join in the chants with your mic off and follow any links or instructions shared in the group chat by the Zoom host.


Supporting Everyday Zen

We appreciate your support and cannot continue offering teachings online without it. To simplify our accounting, please make your donation online, if you can. If you prefer to send a check, visit the Donate page on our website.

Suggested donation for ceremonies (in person or online): $15 or whatever you are comfortable contributing.

Everyone is welcome and no one will ever be turned away for lack of funds.

Donate Now

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April 5
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm PDT
Event Categories:


Dawu Whitney & Tim Sandoe


Community Congregational Church in Tiburon
145 Rock Hill Rd
Tiburon, CA 94920 United States
+ Google Map