Guided Meditations
Norman often offers guided meditations, whether in a Zen or Jewish or secular teaching context.
Please use the link below for a list of links to guided meditations in our archive.
Dogen’s Continuous Practice (2023)
Norman gives an online talk to the Spirit Rock Meditation Center on Dogen’s “Continuous Practice” in the fall of 2023. This talk was part of a half-day retreat offered under the title, “Your Great Road Opens Up: Dōgen’s Approach to Continuous Practice.”
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September 6, 2024
Guided Meditation – The Four Reflections – Conflict Resolution – Talk 2 – Talloires, France
Norman gives a Guided Meditation on “The Four Reflections” to the Conflict Resolution group in Talloires, France. Suggested donation: $7 We cannot continue offering teachings online without it. Thank...
September 7, 2024
Guided Meditation – Motivation – Conflict Resolution – Talk 3 – Talloires, France
Norman gives a Guided Meditation on “Motivation” to the Conflict Resolution group in Talloires, France. Suggested donation: $7 We cannot continue offering teachings online without it. Thank you!
May 21, 2015
Revelation and Conflict
At the May 17, 2015 Makor Or Retreat, Norman Fischer gives a talk on Revelation and Conflict.
May 21, 2015
Revelation and Conflict
At the May 2015 Makor Or Retreat, Norman Fischer gives a talk on Revelation and Conflict.
November 11, 2021
Guided Meditation – Presence – Conflict Resolution Professionals – November 2021
Norman gives a Guided Meditation on “Presence” to the Conflict Resolution Professionals group.
April 23, 2013
Feelings When Others are in Conflict – Guided Meditation – SCIPI April 24, 2013
Norman gives a Guided Meditation to SCIPI on Feelings When Others Are In Conflict.
September 5, 2015
On Conflict
Norman Fischer gives a dharma talk “On Conflict”at Tassajara on August 26, 2015 during the SCPI Retreat.
May 30, 2004
Working With Emotions (Talk 1 of 7)
Zoketsu lectures on Daniel Goleman’s Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama. – Proceedings of a dialogue between the Dalai Lama and Western philosophers and scientists. He examines...
January 26, 2008
Suzuki Roshi Talk 2 of 2
In this second discussion of Zen Mind/Beginner’s Mind, Zoketsu discusses right attitude, appreciation of our practice and path, and our self-expression through practice. Also covered here are concepts of “not-knowing,”...
September 29, 2006
Zen Forms
We do the practice of Zen forms to promote and extend awareness. When we de-emphasize the outer person through practicing the Forms, we can allow the true inner person, the...
October 15, 2007
Meditation (Part 1 of 3)
First of a series of three workshops given for conflict resolution professionals at the Center for Mediation in Law.
October 16, 2007
Meditation (Part 2 of 3)
Second of a series of three workshops given for conflict resolution professionals at the Center for Mediation in Law.
December 2, 2007
Meditation (Part 3 of 3)
Third of a series of three workshops given for conflict resolution professionals at the Center for Mediation in Law.
May 14, 2010
Loving Kindness (Metta) – Four Immeasurables – Moutain Rain Zen
Norman speaks on Loving Kindness (Metta) – the first of the Four Immeasurables. Norman refers to the book “The Four Immeasurables: Cultivating a Boundless Heart by Alan Wallace. This talk...
December 9, 2010
Darkness and Light – Guided Meditation – SCIPI December 10, 2010
Norman gives a guided meditation on Darkness and Light to SCIPI conflict resolution professionals.
November 11, 2009
Guided Meditation – Basic Sitting Practice
Norman leads a group of conflict resolution professionals on Basic Sitting Practice. This is a first of a four guided meditations for the group.
November 14, 2009
Guided Meditation – Compassion
Norman gives a talk on Guided Meditation on Compassion to a group of conflict resolution professionals. This is the fourth and last guided meditations given the group.
November 13, 2009
Guided Meditation – Holding Your Clients in Mind
Norman gives a talk on Guided Meditation – Holding Your Clients in Mind to a group of conflict resolution professionals. This is the third or four guided meditation talks to...
November 11, 2009
Guided Meditation – On Fear
Norman gives a Guided Meditation on Fear to a group of conflict resolution professionals. This is the second of four guided meditations.
November 16, 2009
The V
Norman talks about “The V” concept of resolving conflict. This is the first of four talks at the Loon Lake Sesshin 2009.
December 16, 2009
Women in Buddhism 2009 – 6
Sixth and final in a series on Women in Buddhism 2009 based on two texts: Grace Shireson’s “Zen Women: Beyond Tea Ladies, Iron Maidens and Macho Masters” and Susan Murcott’s...
July 28, 2020
Guided Meditation for the Pandemic – July 24, 2020
Norman leads Guided Meditation for the Pandemic: practicing with fear and dread for the Center for Understanding in Conflict on July 24, 2020
October 22, 2010
Guided Meditation – Basic Mindulness Meditation -SCIPI
Norman lead a guided mediation on Basic Mindfulness Meditation at the SCIPI conflict resolution professtionals.
March 26, 2011
On Community – Guided Meditation – SCIPI March 26, 2011
Norman gives a Guided Mediation “On Community” to SCIPI conflict resolution professionals.
September 6, 2011
Dogen’s Mountain and Waters Sutra 2
Norman gives the second talk on Dogen’s Mountain and Waters Sutra as found in Kazuaki Tanahashi’s “Moon in a DewDrop” and “Treasury of the True Dharma Eye – Zen Master...
January 28, 2012
Intentions – Guided Meditation SCIPI January 29, 2012
Norman gives a guided meditation on Intentions to the SCIPI conflict resolution group.
April 3, 2000
Student/Teacher Relationship
Zoketsu describes his path as a Dharma student and discusses a variety of ways to work with Buddhist teachers. Student / Teacher Relationship On working with Buddhist teachers Talk given:...
June 8, 2001
Practice of Forgiveness
The practice of fully feeling our pain allows us to see through it. We are then led to forgiving ourselves and becoming more aware of the different realities residing within...
November 10, 2014
Guided Meditation: Presence and Deep Listening
Chris Fortin gives a guided meditation to participants in the November 10, 2014 meeting of SPCE (Self Reflection for Conflict Professionals).
December 9, 2010
Life Stories – Guided Meditation – SCIPI December 10, 2010
Norman gives a guided meditation of Life Stories to the SCIPI conflict resolution professional.